Contact us today at 81xxxxxxx / 70xxxxxxxx to discuss your facility’s COVID-19 Disinfection needs.

Using distilled water heated to 300 degrees, the Steam Cleaner can clean, DISINFECT and sanitize any solid surface in homes and businesses, including floors, faucets and handles. While it may take some spray cleaners 4-7 minutes to fully disinfect surfaces, steam can kill germs in seconds. This means that our Steam Cleaner can disinfect and sterilize in an organic and eco-friendly way by eliminating the need for chemical cleaners. Used under pressure, the steam acts like a natural disinfectant and degreaser. It kills germs and bacteria, dissolves grease and oil, cleanses thoroughly. Diffused at one centimetre of distance, it treats the surface to be cleaned at a continuous temperature of 120°C/248°F, generating a tiny amount of condensation.

This temperature, combined with a pressure of 6-7 bars when exiting the accessory, disinfects by a simple thermal contact. Acknowledged for its detersive, detergent, bactericidal and fungicidal properties, the dry steam cleaning has established itself as a safe and effective method, ideal for professionals, especially since this process makes it possible to reach every corner and the most inaccessible spaces.


Designed From the Ground Up to Disinfect Beyond a Shadow of Doubt

We’ve been taking the fight to where the virus lives, disinfecting buildings and vehicles that are known or at risk of coming in contact with COVID-19. Our disinfection services are vital for:

Contaminated Buildings: Has your building closed after an outbreak? Our disinfection services can accelerate reopening, putting the minds of staff and customers at ease.

At-Risk Businesses: For buildings or vehicles that must be virus-free to run, we offer regularly scheduled disinfection services to keep your doors open.

First Responder Vehicles: Our systems allow us to rapidly disinfect entire fleets of first responder vehicles, allowing them to be put back into use quickly.




From the most luxurious to the basic one, we treat all the properties. similarly, working with the same enthusiasm to create a pleasant experience for our customers. By using pressurized steam, less than 5 liter of water and eco-friendly cleaning solutions we thrive to create a sustainable environment for the future generations to come. Our empl....

Contact us today at 81xxxxxxx / 70xxxxxxxx to discuss your company’s COVID-19 Disinfection needs.